Discover the future with Technology Trendwatcher Deborah Nas!
The AI Revolution
In "The AI Revolution", Deborah Nas takes your audience on a fascinating journey through the landscape of artificial intelligence and generative AI.
What is AI and how does it work?
Deborah explains in an clear manner which technologies and business models form the basis of applications such as ChatGPT
What will our work and life look like in the future?
A preview of how generative AI, and applications such as ChatGPT, are changing our work and our lives.
How will AI transform our work and organizations?
What AI can already do today, what we can expect in the near and distant future and what this means for employees and organizations.
What social questions does AI raise?
Insight into the ethical, legal and social issues that AI entails.
What can you do with (generative) AI?
Inspiring applications of (generative) AI, illustrated with examples that match the interests of your audience.
How can you benefit from AI?
Practical tips to learn more about AI and get started with it.
Let visionary Deborah Nas take you on a journey in the world of AI and discover the potential opportunities and possible challenges of this innovative technology
Enter the fascinating world of AI and disruptive technologies with Deborah Nas, a leading keynote speaker in the field of innovation.
Deborah's fascinating presentations not only provide insight into the current state of affairs within your sector, but also provide an illuminating glimpse into the future.
Deborah passionately shares the possibilities that AI already offers, what we can expect in the coming years and how these technologies will influence the business and personal aspects of our lives.
A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the opportunities and challenges of AI.
“Disruptive technologies like AI and Quantum are transforming our society, driving innovation and creating new possibilities that we cannot yet imagine.”
-Deborah Nas
Deborah Nas
Connects * Inspires * Clarifies
Deborah Nas is one of the Netherlands' most popular speakers in the field of new technologies and their impact on our work and our lives.
This 'thought leader' in the field of technology, innovation and design is a part-time professor of Industrial Design at TU Delft, has set up the 'Center of Quantum and Society', is a commissioner at Hardt Hyperloop and sits on the investment committee of the InnovationQuarter , the Regional Development Agency of South Holland.
In addition, Deborah has 25 years of hands-on experience with innovation projects in large and small companies. With her in-depth knowledge and fascinating presentation style, she knows how to inspire and inform her audience time and time again.